Vertical ball motion circuit

As an example, here is the vertical ball motion circuit:

...and here's how it looks like in the source code:

    // Vertical ball motion
    D9316   c4;
    D9316   d4;
    c4.connectLine(  1, board->s_NOT_SERVE ); // MR
    c4.connectLine(  2, board->s_NOT_HSYNC );
    c4.connectLine(  3, board->s_GROUND );
    c4.connectLine(  4, board->s_GROUND );
    c4.connectLine(  5, board->s_GROUND );
    c4.connectLine(  6, board->s_GROUND );
    c4.connectLine(  7, d4, 15 );
    c4.connectLine(  9, d5,  6 );
    c4.connectLine( 10, board->s_POWER );
    // C4,15

    d4.connectLine(  1, board->s_NOT_SERVE ); // MR
    d4.connectLine(  2, board->s_NOT_HSYNC );
    d4.connectLine(  3, e4,  3 ); // Av
    d4.connectLine(  4, e4,  2 ); // Bv
    d4.connectLine(  5, e4,  6 ); // Cv
    d4.connectLine(  6, e4,  7 ); // Dv
    d4.connectLine(  7, board->s_POWER );
    d4.connectLine(  9, d5,  6 );
    d4.connectLine( 10, board->s_NOT_VSYNC );
    // D4,11
    // D4,12
    // D4,15

    d5.connectLine(  4, c4, 15 );
    d5.connectLine(  5, d4, 15 );

    c3.connectLine(  1, d4, 12 );
    c3.connectLine(  2, d4, 11 );
    c3.connectLine( 13, c4, 15 );
    // C3,12    -> V VIDEO (TP 4)

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