Dizionario di informatichese
Easy method for the 3x3 magic square
La parola del giorno
Parole crociate
Parole equivalenti (il gioco del T9)
Yawn (an online game)
...and much more!Juggling
Bodily tools for the disgusting magician
Fai da te: la bacchetta magica (Do it yourself: the magic wand)
Magic weapons for the treacherous magician
Music for magic
Stack Quizzer: a tool for memorizing card decks
Useful items for magiciansMusic
Flowers and plants
WeatherCoding Conventions and Good Programming Habits
Hook, subclassing e... WordPad
LCS - A simple diff and merge program
PIE - Pacman Instructional Emulator
SIDE - Space Invaders Didactic Emulator
Software from the old days
Taskbar e icone in Windows 95
...and much more!