Fun with numbers and math

The number 36663 is interesting (*). Not only it is palindrome, so is each of its factors too, for example: 36663 = 101*363 = 101*121*3 = 3333*11 and so on. [*Of course every number is interesting. If we consider the set of all non-interesting numbers and m is the smallest number in this set, then suddenly m becomes interesting as the smallest non-interesting number... :-)]

Here is a method to draw a 3x3 magic square, it's simple and very easy to remember!

I found an interesting puzzle in a book: how do you make the expression 5+5+55=600 correct with just one pen stroke? This is the book solution, which I didn't find. I did find a different solution though, and I think mine is even better. Give it a try before clicking for the answer!

Here's another one: you have to get the number 21 using the numbers 1, 5, 6 and 7. (Each number can only be used once and all numbers must be used.) This was tough for me, and I could only find a solution after one night of sleeping on the problem. Actually I came up with two solutions: the first one is a bit too "mathematical" but it's easy to find new solutions with this idea (I discarded several) and eventually it quickly lead to the second one, which is much cleaner. At this point I was satisfied enough to look for the book solution, which is still different! And here is yet another solution. A fifth solution has been found by .mau. and I think it's better than the one from the book!

Online games

Yawn is a game of luck and strategy. Play it online for challenge and fun (requires a Java-enabled browser)!

Mobile phones

Get some videogame-inspired themes for your mobile!

Unclassified stuff...

A list of common spelling mistakes you will most likely step into while browsing the internet...

Funny quotes from Baldur's Gate.

Dedicated to the SOMA cube...

Divertimenti vari in italiano

Qui al B2-507 non si vive di soli bit, ma ci si stupisce ogni giorno a vicenda con vocaboli rari e impronunciabili che testimoniano la nostra profonda erudizione. O qualcosa del genere comunque. In ogni caso, è tutto scritto nelle pagine della famigerata Parola del Giorno... (For the curiosity of English readers: these pages are dedicated to the Word of the Day "contest" that we run in our office room.)

Una pagina dedicata alle parole crociate, con cruciverba originali composti da me. (A page with crosswords in Italian.)

Il gioco delle parole equivalenti (presentato anche su Lessico e Nuvole da Stefano Bartezzaghi), con un programma scritto appositamente per esplorare questo interessante mondo. L'articolo fa riferimento alle parole italiane ma il gioco è applicabile a qualsiasi lingua "occidentale".

Un dizionario di informatichese per Italiani, indispensabile per sostenere una conversazione con qualcuno che lavori, presumibilmente da troppo tempo, nel campo dell'informatica...

Proverbi contemporanei... ma destinati a diventare classici! :-)

Niente di meglio che un sito tradotto automaticamente in Italiano. Voglio dire: ok, grazie per averci provato ma...

L'orgoglio di essere italiano...

Il Ministero della Difesa si scusa in cinque lingue per i disagi causati dai lavori per la parata del 2 giugno 2005.

Copyright (c) 2003,2004 Alessandro Scotti. All rights reserved.

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