Hello and welcome to my homepage. While the rest of the site is dedicated to my hobbies and interests, this little corner is a bit more personal and contains information about me and my life. Every now and then, I will also use these pages to voice my opinions and talk about... well, whatever I like to talk about at the moment.
The English Weddings (2001) is a diary of a short trip to England for a friend weddings
Il mercato del pesce (2000) è un racconto ispirato dal diffondersi degli OGM nella nostra alimentazione
This has to be one of the very first pictures of me... (unknown date, should be 1967 or 1968 though).
A few pictures from a short trip to Paris with Caterina (2001).
On the beach at the Maldives (2002).
With my son, on his first birthday (2004).
Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Alessandro Scotti. All rights reserved.
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